I recently received notice of the following:
Press Conference TOMORROW: ALL ARE WELCOME. The bigger the presence, the bigger the impact. When : Wednesday June 29 at 11 am., Where : In front of 175 Main Street, Ottawa, ON Who : Inuit elder Piita Irnik, residential school survivor and Lieve Halsberghe, Belgian Human Right Activist Why: It is inappropriate that Oblates of Mary Immaculate are celebrating bicentenary, when they are hiding both perpetrators and truth from their victims of child sexual abuse Visual : Lifeline in photographs of Marius Tungilik, deceased victim of fugitive Oblate Joannes Rivoire, for whom there is an RCMP arrest warrant From the Yukon to Nova Scotia, in Canada, the Oblates ran over 60 % of the residential schools. The most notorious Oblate residential school with regards to child abuse, was St. Anne's in Fort Albany Ontario.The Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded that the schools were no less than a "cultural genocide". In many schools and orphanages in the US rampant abuse by Oblate brothers and priests and some lay people who worked under their supervision have also caused deep trauma in entire communities. The Oblates are not willing to reveal the truth about what happened, a truth that is essential for the healing of the survivors and their families and the families of the many that died as a consequence of severe trauma. Instead, the Oblates, and there expensive lawyers, are fiercely fighting those extremely brave victims who dare to speak up about what has happened. They are spending many millions in court cases trying to prevent justice from happening. They refuse to hand over the documents that would make justice possible and hide the perpetrators in others countries. Joannis Rivoire, omi, is wanted by the RCMP since 1998 for sexual violence of minors in Nunavut. The warrant is still valid. But he has been living in a posh monastery in France, enjoying the occasional hunt. One of his victims, Inuit leader Marius Tungilik, was haunted by this man his whole life, ever since Rivoire abused him as a young boy. Marius could not live with the pain any longer. He passed away in 2012. In view of this all, we want to protest against the festivities of this Oblates in this year of their bicentennial. It is inappropriate to celebrate and it is inappropriate to claim "200 years of selfless service to the poor and the most abandoned", as they do on youtube! Contact for texting : +32 475 910 918 (Lieve Halsberghe) To learn more about me, please read : The woman who took on the church, and won - Nunatsiaq News
In August of 2015, when visiting Fort Albany First Nation, some of the Survivors brought to my attention that they had unanesthitized medical procedures performed on their backs that left a series of 8 or 9 scars (4-5 on either side of the spine); I have now documented these scars. The children were never informed as to what was being done to them.
There is a great concern that the Canadian government collaborated with researchers during the Cold War, researchers who needed human 'subjects' for their research. As all indigenous people were considered expendable by the Canadian government, and considering that a controlled study could be done due to the confinement and isolation of the children, these small bodies provided 'ideal' sites for such studies. If there are any other St. Anne's survivors who have this pattern of scarring on their backs, please contact me by going to the Contact Us page of this website. See below for an illustration of the scarring pattern found on the backs of St. Anne's Survivors. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!
SURVIVORS OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS AND SOCIALLY ACTIVE CANADIANS, if there was ever a time for Unity and a National Protest, it is now. READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE: The Canadian government once again is attempting to erase genocide from Canada's history!!!! THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN. If you have provided testimony in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), contact the IAP this week to secure a copy of your transcript! The government must not have control over indigenous truths and history!!! HOW TO SECURE A COPY OF YOUR TRANSCRIPT: Claimants may request a transcript of their testimony through their lawyer or support officer, or by contacting the Secretariat: Mail: Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat, 2010 12th Avenue, 9th Floor Regina, SK S4P 0M3 Fax: (306) 790-4635 Email: [email protected] It usually takes two to three months to receive a transcript. - See more at: http://www.iap-pei.ca/records/main-eng.php… https://www.thestar.com/…/residential-school-abuse-victims-… Hi Everyone:
Today an article about the film was published in the Ryerson Today newspaper (16 June 2016). It is good that this project is getting attention even prior to being completed. We are now in post-production and our hope is to have at least two versions ready by next spring/summer to launch internationally. Check out the article: www.ryerson.ca/news/news/General_Public/20160616-acknowledging-cultural-genocide.html Thanks to a GREAT CREW! Co-producer Edmund Metatawabin Director of Photography Ilan Waldman, Sound Recordist Andrew Leonard, Executive Producer Tim Wolochatiuk. Second camera unit Reil Munro and behind the scenes, Linda Lundström and my niece, Tabitha Viscontas. There is light at the end of this tunnel! Sue |
June 2021
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